By entering this Website ie: accepting this agreement,
I certify the following: 1) I am an adult over the age of 18 years (or 21 years depending on local governing laws
relating to explicit sexual material) and have the legalright to possess adult material in my community. 2) I will
notallow anyone under the legal age which is determined as in point 1 above to have access to any of the materials
contained within this site. 3) I understand that this website contains explicit content 4) I do not find images of sexual
content or of explicit sexualdepiction's to be either offensive or objectionable. 5) I understand the standards and laws
of the community, site, and computer to which I amtransporting this material, and am solely responsible for my actions
6) By logging on, I will have released and discharged the providers, owners and creators of this site from any and all liabilitywhich might arise as a result of my actions. 7) Bookmarking to a page on this server/site whereby this warning
page is bypassed shall constitute an implicit acceptance of the aforementioned terms.8) By contacting me, you agree
to this statement. Currencies exchanged in legal adult personal service are simply for time and companionship. Anything elsethat may occur is a matter of personal choice. I do reserve the right to decline appointments if I deem necessary.

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